Instant Summer
There I was today freezing in the barn. It was 50 degrees but the wind was whipping itself around and in the north door and I was tired and grumpy and cold. Cold that is the word and as I watched the very bubbly and optimistic weather forecast I was amazed, it will happen again. Instant Summer! Yes it is coming our way this weekend, cautiously optimistic the weatherman said we may see 90 degrees or more. Why, it really isn’t that great to break another weather record. This one has stood since 1908, let it be, 70’s is plenty why push so hard to get all the way to 90. I know how easily we layer up and down and we New Englanders may be the best at that, but our bodies won’t be ready for this heat wave. On the other side of the spectrum I expect to see hair literally fly off the horses. They will want to launch that fur coat like projectiles into the wind. Some are still very fuzzy and they will be suffering on the weekend. There was sleet and hail here in the past week, we’re talking ice coated water buckets and now 90!
Living on a farm, weather plays a predominant part in daily life. Not just a convenience to know what is coming, it means life and death to the young animals. The very old ones feel the effects just as we humans and we have to dress for it and stay out in it hours at a time. So the first thing I do in the morning is flip on the weather report and see what we have to deal with. Now with the advent of this instant summer I will have to be on storm watch. Getting horses in before a big thunderstorm and the dog secured as she is terrified of them is the goal for each storm.
So for the next week or two we have to be ready for all seasons. Wool coat on standby, rubber boots at the door, mittens and gloves in the pockets and sunscreen and big hats for the afternoons. So… last one to the pool is a rotten egg! © 4/23/09