I'm off to a storytelling gig with children.Time to pack my big canvas tote bag. I always prepare a program and some bonus or extra materials. You never know, extra kids, need to shift focus due to unforeseen event, I'm ready. My favorite reason to be flexible, "kids say the darnedest things" thanks Art Linkletter for the focus on kids comments. I sometimes follow that lead for a very personal performance.
This is a little like the game of Grandmother's Trunk!
5 Items:
1.) Felt in shapes for a felt board recap of the story, my felt board is a science fair cardboard tri-fold, I used spray adhesive to stick a sheet of felt over cardboard for a base.
This is a little like the game of Grandmother's Trunk!
5 Items:
1.) Felt in shapes for a felt board recap of the story, my felt board is a science fair cardboard tri-fold, I used spray adhesive to stick a sheet of felt over cardboard for a base.

2.) Magazines: I'll pack old magazine and kids scissors to cut and paste a story timeline mural
3.) My Harmonica: It doesn't matter what small instrument I bring, music and magic are one in the same when inserted in a story program.
4.) A puppet: Sometimes they just want to hear it from another source;when a child says " it's just a puppet" I say; " sshh! he/she doesn't know that!" I love to seem them nod with understanding!
5.) origami paper: those little squares are like imagination, they can be anything! You-Tube is a great place to learn to fold.
These are just 5 items for a storytellers bag. Teachers, camp counselors, children's medical staff, people in the ministry all can use these simple items to catch children's imagination and turn it on.There could be so many other items in the bag, just leave your suggestions in the comments box for everyone to use when they work with children.
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